Spirits Past Photos
Easter Sunday, 2018
These spirits have powerful energy which appears as a secondary image. Look closely at the center figure to see their appearance. Click on each to enlarge. Because Jo is able to see and speak to these spirits, she was able to center the camera on each them before taking the photo.
Spirit on the beach. This has powerful energy that creates a shadow like image that may appear as wings (pointed downward). She is a spirit and NOT an angel. Easter Sunday 2018.
second spirit on the beach
Both of these photos were shot with ordinary mobile telephones, just like the ones you use every day. It is uncanny how Jo can focus on the spirit, and snap a photo that captures their image. Notice the shadow in the sand. There is even a reflection of the spirit visible on the wet sand in the foreground.
Spirit on the beach. This is one spirit with powerful energy to appear in the photo. His energy also creates a shadowy like second image. Easter Sunday 2018.

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